Easy Homemade Nut Milk (Dairy Free, Vegan)

We love making our own dairy-free milks. It's actually really very easy to do, and it allows you make them exactly how you would like them to be. They also taste amazing! A fresh batch of cashew or almond milk stirred through your morning oats, or poured into coffee, is absolutely heavenly.


The great thing about this recipe too is that it's very versatile, so feel free to get creative! You can basically use any combination of nuts and seeds you want. You can even use grains. We sometimes change this recipe up by using part cashew nuts and part millet or brown rice.

A high speed blender will give you the best result, but any blender will do the trick.
Soaking nuts and seeds beforehand will also make it easier to blend, but if you're pushed for time opt for softer ingredients like cashews, which still blend well without soaking.

Have you tried making your own dairy-free milk before? What are your favourites?


Easy Homemade Nut Milk

VARIATION: Nut + Grain Milk (e.g. Cashew + Millet)

Use 1/3 cup of cashew nuts, to 2/3 cup of cooked millet, and follow on with rest of recipe as above.
